Wednesday, March 25, 2009

GeoFitness Physical/Mental Stimulus Plan Helps Increase Results in School State Standardized Tests

“GeoFitness, Inc. launches Learnercise, new learning and fitness programs for elementary through high school children, during the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Convention (AAHPERD: undefined, undefined, undefined%) in Tampa, March 31- April 4, 2009. The U.S. Surgeon General recommends that children under 18 receive 60 min of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day. During the Los Angeles town hall meeting on March 19th 2009, President Obama talks about the importance of ‘making sure that we have proper nutrition programs in our schools; making sure that we've got effective physical education programs for our children.’ GeoFitness, Inc. is a leading provider of movement-based products and curriculum that are developmentally appropriate, easy to use, and cost effective to increase fitness and academic achievement for students of all ages. Their programs include choreography and games -- hip hop, partner and Latin dancing, aerobics, kickboxing and functional fitness training. Learnercise programs include learning elements like math, the alphabet, colors and shapes, geography, time and nutrition. ‘There is no doubt that fitness is important for any age group. GeoFitness can support existing fitness programs and ad the element of learning, which increases academic achievement and state standardized test scores. 3rd graders in a central Florida school increased knowledge of multiplication by 30% after 6 weeks of using Learnercise programs. We work together to get everyone healthy in mind and body,’ says Dr. Mitchell, Founder and President of GeoFitness, Inc. ‘The best way to nourish children's brainpower is to get them up and moving. Our kids need to be physically active to help their brains function better. When we interact with information, we process more and better,’ says Neurokinesiologist Jean Blaydes Madigan. The benefits of physical activity as a power source for learning have already been proven. Research shows a link between exercise and increased brain function. ‘We're putting kids in P.E. class prior to classes that they struggle in and what we're doing is we're finding great, great results. Kids who took P.E. before they took the math class had double the improvement of kids who had P.E. afterward,’ said Paul Zientarski, who helps run a learning readiness program at Naperville Central High School in Illinois.”

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