Monday, May 18, 2009

Working Together Can Make Exercise Fit

“Whether you're a fitness buff or exercise novice, there's one easy way to help you stick to an exercise routine and make it more effective: Work out with a buddy. A recent survey conducted on behalf of 24 Hour Fitness found that 80 percent of the individuals surveyed agree that they are more likely to stick to an exercise plan if they have a partner to work out with. While starting and sticking to a workout routine is the important first hurdle, working out with a partner can also make fitness efforts more effective. Not only can having a partner motivate you to workout (83 percent of respondents agreed), the majority of respondents believe that having a buddy join you can encourage a healthier lifestyle (82 percent), can make working out safer (82 percent) and, most importantly, can make fitness more fun (78 percent). Also, working out with a partner may offer benefits far beyond just the physical ones. A majority of respondents (85 percent) wish they could get their friends and family more involved in staying fit and believe that working out together is a good way to build emotional bonds and spend time together..."

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