Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Autopsies Forecast Surge in U.S. Heart Disease

“Autopsies of adults who died young of unnatural causes show many already had clogged arteries, U.S. and Canadian researchers said on Monday in a study that suggests heart disease may be on the upswing. The researchers said their findings suggest a four-decade-long trend of declines in heart disease may be about to come to a screeching halt. They studied autopsy reports from younger people in one Minnesota county who died from accidents, suicide and murder and found most had clogged arteries and more than 8 percent had significant disease. ‘What they observed was a bit shocking,’ said S. Jay Olshansky of the University of Illinois at Chicago, who wrote an editorial on the research, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. ‘It is the most definitive evidence I've seen suggesting that today's younger and middle-aged generations may be heading for an increase in their risks of heart disease,’ he said.”


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