Thursday, October 1, 2009

US Breast Cancer Deaths Falling But Not For African Americans

‘We need to make sure all women have access to information to help them reduce their risk and to resources to ensure early detection and the best possible treatment,’ she added. In a statement to the press, the American Cancer Society was keen to stress that some of the many positive things to emerge from cancer research is that we now know more than ever about the major risk factors for breast cancer, and that many of them are modifiable, including exercise and weight control. The Society's chief medical officer, Dr Otis W Brawley also highlighted the link between the drop in incidence of breast cancer and reduction in use of HRT, which he referred to as another modifiable risk factor, however, he warned that: ‘While that is gratifying to see, we remain concerned about obesity's potential to offset that drop, and lead to an increase in the incidence of breast cancer in the future.’”

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