Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Underused Therapy for the Heart: The Gym

“For years, doctors have known that cardiac rehabilitation programs — incorporating not only regular exercise, but also nutritional counseling, stress management and smoking cessation — can speed up patients’ recovery and extend their lives. But the experts didn’t know whether, in research jargon, there was a ‘dose-response relationship.’ In other words, said Bradley Hammill, a biostatistician at Duke University School of Medicine, ‘Do we see that increasing the number of sessions you go to leads to a better outcome?’ Now, thanks to a broad study led by Mr. Hammill, they know the answer: yes. When it comes to cardiac rehab, more is better. Just published in the journal Circulation, the study shows that patients who had heart attacks, had undergone coronary bypass graft surgery or had been hospit...

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