Friday, June 6, 2008

Exercises Can Help With Urinary Incontinence

“Your doctor first will want to rule out such causes as infections or tumors, said Dr. Daniel Swift, a urologist and partner in Rockford Urological Associates Ltd. Then, he or she will help determine what is causing your incontinence.
Knowing the cause is crucial when using exercises and physical therapy to help alleviate incontinence, said Denenga, a physical therapist at OSF Saint Anthony Medical Center who receives all her patients through doctor referral.
’With pelvic floor muscles,’ Denenga said, ‘it’s important to determine whether you have a weak pelvic floor or a tense pelvic floor. You don’t want to increase muscle tension by doing exercises.’ ‘The number of repetitions and sets always depends on the patient’s strength and endurance. It’s not recommended to start a pelvic floor exercise program without proper evaluation by a physical therapist first.’”

1 comment:

jfrancescapam said...

A lot of people suffer from this urinary incontinence especially seniors. Having regular exercises can be help to strengthen the pelvic muscles and dance exercise is such a great idea such as ballroom dancing, tap dancing and square dancing. This kind of exercise is not just fun but strike a sentimental chord with seniors.