Monday, August 3, 2009

Uncle Sam must stop subsidizing obesity

“It is often cheaper to prevent than to treat a problem. Nowhere is this more true than with diet and childhood obesity. Bottom line: We can't afford obesity. But now we have an opportunity to fight the economic and social harms of obesity. This year, Congress will vote on the reauthorization of the Child Nutrition Act, which determines what foods are served to children in school and other nutrition programs. Rep. George Miller, D-Martinez, is chair of the Committee on Education and Labor. He is in the unique position to change the physical as well as financial health of California - and of the entire nation. In order to stop the upward trend of obesity, we must focus on prevention. We must educate families and communities to buy fresh foods, prepare home-cooked meals, avoid fast food and engage in physical activity. Yet, that alone will not be enough. Kids need fresh, wholesome food for school lunch - and a menu that complies with the USDA's food pyramid. It is time for Congress to align food policy with nutritional guidelines.”

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