Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Team Of Sport Science Academics Surveyed 300 Kent Residents And Discovered Wii Fit Is The Most Popular Form Of Home Exercise, England

"Dr Gill Perkins and Dr Ian Swaine from Canterbury Christ Church University conducted a survey of 300 people at the Ideal Home Exhibition at the Kent Showground on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th February. The experts explored the public's exercise habits, their perception of physical activity and their awareness of local schemes which aim to boost people's fitness. Dr Perkins and Dr Swaine discovered that Wii-Fit was the most popular form of home exercise over home-gym equipment and exercise DVDs, although most people who use Wii-Fit only use it once a week. Forty four per cent of those surveyed said they were aware of guidelines for physical activity for health, however, there were various ideas as to what the guidelines were. The majority of people said they that if they wanted advice about physical activity or weight loss and they would prefer to obtain the information from a health specialist or the internet rather than magazines or television. Dr Perkins said: ‘It is surprising how many people in Kent use their homes to keep themselves physically active. Wii Fit is a particular favourite, with many people regularly using home-gym equipment and exercise DVDs. But it's not all about exercise equipment - Kent people are keen on getting active in the garden too.’ Dr Perkins continued: ‘The people of Kent are even more active outside of their home environment. Popular activities include brisk walking and cycling, with many making regular trips to the gym. The people we spoke to were well-informed as to physical activity guidelines, with the internet being a popular choice for seeking out information. However, there is still a significant minority of people in Kent who do not do any kind of physical activity and, of those who were active, most were not active enough to combat a gradual increase in body weight over time.’”

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