Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What’s Important In 2010? Industry Leaders Tell Us What To Look For

“ICI’s very own Dr. Haley Perlus was recently selected by IHRSA (The International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association) as an industry leader. This is an incredible honor, and we want to congratulate her for her contribution to the fitness world. To start off the new year right, IHRSA has put together an e-book where each of their 30 industry leaders answered the following questions: What’s new for 2010? Dr. Perlus is making that eBook available for all ICI readers as well. Click here to download the eBook. Many of these suggestions are aimed at the club management level, but as providers of exercise classes (and for some who are personal trainers as well), there are some gems in there for you and me, too. Dr. Perlus’ contribution is on page 7. Also make sure to read #8 as well, which is something we can really espouse in our indoor cycling classes! Enjoy. 2010 keeps looking better and better every single day!”...

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